Equipment Rental Form

Tempe Event Equipment Rentals

  1. Please fill out all necessary information.
  2. Specify the quantity of equipment needed.
  3. You may request items that are not listed; however, the Sun Devil Fitness Complex may not have them in inventory.
  4. All requests must be made within two business days of the event. Weekend requests must be submitted by end of business on Wednesday.
  5. Failure to submit a request within two business days of the event will result in a late request fee of $5.00.
  6. There is no guarantee that equipment will be available if request is not made within two business days of the event.
  7. All equipment must be returned by closing time on the day specified on the request. Any equipment returned the following day will result in late fees.
  8. Any late, lost, stolen or damage equipment will be subject to fees.


Street Address
Please indicate quantity
Please indicate quantity
Please indicate quantity
Please indicate quantity
Please indicate quantity
Please indicate quantity
Please indicate quantity
Please indicate quantity
Please indicate quantity
Please indicate quantity
Please indicate quantity
Please indicate quantity
Please indicate quantity
Please indicate quantity
Please indicate quantity
Please indicate quantity
Please indicate quantity
Requested items not listed above
Sign above
By renting equipment, I assume all risks of injury that may be sustained by me in connection with the equipment or activities. I agree to follow all the applicable laws, regulations, local ordinances and the Board and University policies regarding use of the equipment and participation in the activities. If I fail to pay assessed damages, late charges, service charges and charges for replacement, a hold will be placed on my records at Arizona State University until full payment is made. If I do not return the equipment or it is damaged beyond repair, I will be charged a full replacement fee. If I return the equipment late, a late fee will be assessed. My entrance into the SDFC will be suspended until any cost assessments are paid to the administrative office located at the Sun Devil Fitness Complex.