Building a Better You in 2022


Building a Better You in 2022

The new year is here, and many of us seek to improve ourselves with hopes and goals for the coming year. Whether it is to build your strength and endurance, keep organized, ace all your spring classes, or any other goal you want to crush this new year, here are some tips to help you create a better you in 2022.

  1. Start with specific bite-sized goals. How do you eat a whole elephant? One bite at a time. Sometimes we get so caught up in the big picture of our goals that we are not sure how to accomplish it. Starting with small, specific goals gives you a chance to celebrate the baby steps towards the ultimate goal. Not only that, it makes the goal much more manageable, and you’ll feel more successful as each small goal is achieved. If your goal is to get into better shape, try going to the gym twice a week. If it’s getting organized, start with browsing and finding a daily planner that works well with you. Small, achievable goals like these ones add up and bring you closer to your resolution.
  2. Make sure your resolution is for the right reasons. Your resolutions should be made for yourself and not because someone is telling you what your resolution should be. If someone else is dictating where you should improve, it may not be as helpful as a resolution made from the heart. While it can be helpful to have advice from others on what you can improve on, ultimately your goals will be more achievable if you have a drive for them as opposed to someone telling you what they expect or want from you.
  3. Keep track of your progress. It helps to stay focused on your goals when you see yourself making progress. Try writing down your successes and document your challenges regularly to keep yourself focused on your goals. Celebrate the successes and acknowledge the challenges so that you can revamp your plan. Start a journal to write it all down in or maybe create an online spreadsheet of successful bit size goals. If you keep a record, you can assess what works and what needs to be adjusted to get to your goals.
  4. Give yourself some grace. Life happens, and when it does goals and resolutions can sometimes go out the window regardless of your intentions and motivations. Lasting change takes time, and there will be setbacks along the way. Be sure to practice patience and forgiveness with yourself when the motivation to achieve is not there. When this happens, look back at your small goals and the progress you’ve made so far, and you might gain perspective and have a breakthrough on your resolution. There will be ups and downs, and though it all, give yourself some grace. Acknowledge that you are only human, but that you are going in the right direction.
  5. Reward yourself when you succeed. It’s important to celebrate the wins, both large and small! Resolutions are hard work, so by celebrating successes, you are acknowledging and rewarding all that effort! If your goal is to save some money, and you’ve been hitting your mini goals and getting closer to the main goal, it is a great idea to treat yourself to something nice. Rewarding yourself occasionally provides tangible proof that your game plan is working well and that you are improving yourself bit by bit.