Personal Training

Achieve Your Goal

A personal trainer provides ASU students, staff, and faculty with the motivation, education, guidance, and individual instruction required to achieve their personal fitness goals. Trainers will design a tailored exercise program for each individual that reflects the client’s objectives, fitness level, and experience.

Personal training is slightly different on each campus. Please click on the link below to find out information about personal training on your campus.

Downtown campus

Polytechnic campus

Tempe campus

West campus

Personal Training Sessions May Include:

  • Fitness Assessments (Including health history/PAR-Q and physical consent)
  • Program Design - According to your specific needs and goals
  • Warm-up, stretching, and cool down
  • Machine Training Instruction
  • Free Weight Training Instruction
  • Cardiovascular Exercise
  • Exercise Progression
  • Evaluation and Review of Goals
  • Program Creativity
  • Education
  • Basic Nutrition
  • Exercise ideas for home and travel
  • Successful workout plans and programs to meet the needs of every client

What else do you need to know?
Wear comfortable clothing including athletic shoes, and non-jean apparel, to comply with our weight room policies
Rescheduling or canceling sessions must be done 24 hours prior to your session to avoid being charged for that session.
When you meet with your personal trainer, be sure to read and sign our personal training information sheet thoroughly. Pre-purchased session are non-refundable.

Personal Trainers Credentials
Every personal trainer is certified with a nationally recognized association. Most personal trainers are working towards or have a Kinesiology degree and all are familiar with every piece of fitness equipment in the Sun Devil Fitness Complex. Personal trainers stay up-to-date with current trends and research through meetings, workshops, seminars, reading journal periodicals, and practical applications.

Personal Training Policies
Personal Training is restricted to only those individuals that have been specifically employed by ASU this purpose. Any participant observed or even assumed to be personal training with a patron that is not employed by an ASU personal trainer will have their membership privileges suspended or revoked. An individual may be suspected of personal training if he/she is (but is not limited to:)
Assisting a patron/s with:

  1. spotting
  2. equipment and adjustments
  3. program writing & design
  4. explaining and providing exercise technique
  5. meeting with the same individual on a frequent basis
  6. encouragement and counting sets and repetitions
  7. getting and returning weights for a patron
  8. following a patron around the room and telling them what to exercise next
  9. patron pays another individual that is not an Sun Devil Fitness Complex Personal Trainer for an exercise session

Reasons Why Trainers Not Affiliated ASU are prohibited from personal training:
In the State of Arizona no regulations exist regarding the profession of personal training. This lack of regulation causes many under-qualified or uneducated "trainers" to claim the title of "Personal Trainer." Due to liability issues and other reasons listed below, Sun Devil Fitness requires all trainers working within the building to maintain certification through a nationally recognized organization and meet specific academic requirements essential for quality personal training. We uphold this strict criteria for trainers in an effort to ensure that the personal training program remains a quality service on the cutting edge of this field.

Personal training for our purposes is defined as one-on-one fitness instruction to another individual.

Reasons why non-ASU trainers are not allowed to train within the Sun Devil Fitness Complex.

  • The Sun Devil Fitness Complex cannot adequately control the quality of personal training from individuals that are not employed by the Sun Devil Fitness Complex. These individuals may not have adequate academic background, ability, training or experience to correctly train clients. In addition, the Sun Devil Fitness Complex is very limited in its ability to regulate these individuals in order to prevent or correct potential erroneous information or technique passed on to clients.
  • Individuals not employed by the Sun Devil Fitness Complex have not been trained by the Sun Devil Fitness Complex staff, policies, rules, guidelines, procedures, or standards and therefore, are unauthorized trainers.
  • A legal liability arises for the Sun Devil Fitness Complex if we are aware of outside personal trainers working within the Sun Devil Fitness Complex.
  • Profiting from the use of State property, i.e. Sun Devil Fitness Complex's equipment and facilities, without consent is illegal.
  • The use of the Sun Devil Fitness Complex for outside personal training is in direct competition with the personal training service that the Sun Devil Fitness Complex offers.
  • Failure to comply with our policies regarding personal training is in direct violation of conducts prohibited under articles 14 and 15 of the Dean of Student’s “Student Code of Conduct.” Such a violation may result in suspension or permanent Sun Devil Fitness Complex privileges in and submission of your name to the Dean of Students for possible further sanctions.

Certifications & Organizations
ACE - American Council on Exercise
ACSM - American College of Sports Medicine
AFAA - Aerobic and Fitness Association of America
American Red Cross
CPR/FPR (CPR for the Professional Rescuer) First Aid
CF-L1 - CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
NASM - National Association of Sports Medicine
NIRSA  - National Intramural and Recreational Sports Association
NSCA  - National Strength and Conditioning Association