SAVE THE DATE: Health Expo


Health expo

The Give ‘Em Health Devils Health Expo is coming to the Tempe Sun Devil Fitness Complex on 04/14! The festivities begin at 3 PM and end at 7 PM. Come and learn how to live a healthier life and get in on the free games, food, and prizes! There will be a range of activities and ways to learn more about wellness and how to incorporate it into your lifestyle. 

  • Test your physical skills with a basketball competition or ax throwing! 
  • Visit the many tables to learn more about eating right, fitness, self-care, and other health and wellness related topics! Curious about nutrition? There will be several demos so that you can learn more! Grab a punch card and collect punches at the tables for a chance to win prizes!
  • There will be many prizes from Adidas, Fitbit, ASU Gammage, and Sun Devil Fitness and Wellness including a basket of goodies that includes swag, a water bottle, a foam roller, a portable charger, lotions, and so much more!
  • Enjoy interactive games and amusements like a mechanical shark, an interactive 360° photo booth, a live DJ, and dance performances from the community!
  • Check out the vendors that help support a healthy lifestyle and get some FREE food from Pita Jungle and NURISH!

Count on good times, learning, and creating lifelong memories at the Give ‘Em Health Devils Health Expo!