Snack Hacks for Working Out


Have you ever wondered how food affects workout performance, or if it’s better to eat before or after a workout to maximize your results? If you’ve had questions like these, you are not alone. The answer might be surprising, but research shows that eating before and after your workout is key to getting the best results possible from your workout routine. Whether you are running, lifting weights, playing a sport, or taking a group fitness class, fueling your body properly gives you an edge on performance and improves the outcome for your body.

Fuel up before a workout

Just like running your car on an empty tank is a bad idea, working out without eating can also cause you to crash. Having a snack an hour to 3 hours before working out has shown to increase performance and endurance. What should you eat to give you this boost? Something high in carbs with a bit of protein is the best option. The carbs will give you the energy you need and the protein helps sustain and rebuild muscles as they break down. Some good choices are:

  • Whole wheat crackers with hummus
  • Oatmeal with milk or milk alternative
  • Toast with nut butter
  • Granola bar with nuts
  • Smoothie

Usually work out first thing in the morning? If you want the boost to your exercise routine, be sure to eat something light like a piece of fruit 30 minutes to an hour before starting.

Post-workout snacking

After you have got your sweat on and depleted your energy stores, it is time to refuel with a snack. Eating after a workout is an important part of recovery and helps restore what you have burned. If you do not eat soon afterwards, you may feel fatigued or hangry after being physically active. Some food will help you feel your best again. Ideally, you’ll want something high in protein to help rebuild muscle and some carbs to restore energy. Here are some ideas for a good post-workout snack:

  • Greek yogurt with granola and fruit
  • Almonds with chocolate milk
  • Nut butter with apples
  • Cheese stick and carrots
  • Protein shake

Bottom line? It is important to sustain yourself with the right food to keep your energy up and your performance at its max when you workout or play a sport. Remember to have something to eat a bit before and after you are physically active and you’ll be on top of your game!